
Last day lunch arrangements

As we finish at 1pm tomorrow, some families may wish to have lunch at home, however, a full lunch option is on offer in school and should be ordered in the normal way.

Our P7 leavers will be piped out of school just before 1pm, we invite parents and carers to come along to send them off.

Have a wonderful summer break!


P7 Leavers Treat lunch

As part of their leavers treat day tomorrow, our Primary 7 children will be having Domino's Pizza for lunch. They will not need to bring a packed lunch with them.
We hope they have a fabulous day.


Back to School kits

Kit for Kids Clydesdale have kindly donated 15 back to school bags to High Mill Primary. These bags are all brand new and contain back to school stationery, pencil cases, water bottles, etc.  There are a range of styles and designs available to suit all age ranges.  If these would be of benefit to your child/children, please contact the school office and let them know or alternatively email Mrs Cairns on before 1pm on Monday and we will ensure that we keep one aside for your child.

Any remaining bags will then be available alongside our lost property, pre-loved uniform and summer support that will be available for parents to access from 2.30pm on Monday afternoon.

Pre-loved uniform will also be available throughout the summer holidays in the OneCan community hub at 76 High Street, Carluke.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require support in relation to the cost of the school day, all requests will be dealt with in strictest confidence.


Lost property and summer support items

Lost Property and Summer support for families
We have a large amount of lost property within school. We will lay these items out in the school hall on Monday 24th June from 2.30pm, parents are invited to come into school and claim any items that may belong to their child.
We will also have summer clothing and food items available for anyone who will require these.
Pre-loved uniform will also be available in school at that time.
During the summer holidays, uniform items will be available from the Carluke Onecan Hub at 76 High Street, Carluke.


Primary 7 Treat Day

Our Primary 7 children will be going on their leaver's treat day on Tuesday 25th of June.  We are looking for P7 parent helpers to assist with the day.  We would very much appreciate if you could come along and assist.  Please call the school office on 01555 772580 or email Ms Purdie on if you are able to attend.
Thanks in advance.


P7 letter from public health

Please find a leeter attached for all P7 children from Public Health.  Copies have also been issued to children today.

MMR vaccine letter to parents - Schools - English version_.pdf

Newsletter for June 2024

Please find attached the newsletter for June.  This also contains keys dates for the rest of the month. 

Children have been issued paper copies today and a copy has been uploaded to ParentsPortal.

newsletter - June 2024.pdf

Money Matters Event - Friday 7th June

Good Afternoon, 

Unfortunately due to unforseen circumstances our Money Matters event has been cancelled this afternoon. This will be rescheduled for after the summer holidays. 

Apologies in advance. Thank you for your continued support. 


P7 Transition Days to Carluke High School

The Primary 7 two-day visit will take place on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June.  Please find below  specific details relating to High Mill Primary School, as referenced in the letter issues by Mrs Gail Hope. 

11th June
Pupils should arrive at High Mill Primary School, outside their class door, for 8.50am.  They will then be walked to Carluke High School by staff.  Pupils are required to wear their school uniform. P7 hoodies should not be worn. 
At the end of the day, all pupils and staff will walk back to High Mill Primary School together.  Your child will be dismissed as normal from High Mill Primary. 

12th June 
All pupils should make their own way to Carluke High School for an 8.40am start.  Again, school uniform must be worn.  Pupils will make their own way home at 3.25pm.  Please ensure your child is aware of home time arrangements. 

Pupils should bring a snack and a packed lunch with them along with a water bottle on both days. Pupils who recieve free meal entitement will be provided with a packed lunch and drink from the school canteen.  Pupils are also asked to take a PE kit with them on both days. 



Wheelie Wednesday

Good Morning, 

Please find attached information regarding Wheelie Wednesday on the 12th June 2024. If you have any questions please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Wheelie Wednesday 2024.pdf
Wheelie Wednesday RA 2024.pdf