'Who Cares? Scotland' is an organisation which supports families whose children are Looked After. Thanks to support from the Youth, Family and Community Learning Service (YFCL) in South Lanarkshire 'Who Cares?' is offering a summer programme for care experienced people from across South Lanarkshire.
This offer is open to care experienced people aged up to 26 years as individuals, or older if they are care experienced parents.
This offer will consist of 3 parts:
Self Directed Activities –They can provide payments of up to £50 per child/young person to take part in an activity with their friends or family. These payments will be made directly into the young person’s bank account (or trusted adult depending on age). The form to request these payments can be accessed at:
Group Activities – 'Who Cares? Scotland' participation groups in South Lanarkshire will be taking part in trips and activities. They can also fund trips for groups of care experienced people alongside adults in their lives (carers, social workers) etc., these payments can only cover young people and families, not adults attending in a professional role.
They may ask for a contribution from relevant services E.g. Social Work to cover those costs. For group events please email cholt@whocaresscotland.org with information about your idea/trip.
Events – 'Who Cares?' has a fun day confirmed for 11 August 2022 at the Jock Stein Centre in Hamilton from 12pm-4pm. This is free to attend. More details will be if you are interested please contact cholt@whocaresscotland.org. They are also planning events for Kinship Carers and their young people and more information will be made available.
If anyone has any questions about any of the above please email cholt@whocaresscotland.org or send a message on 07769 325 162