Share a Million Stories
World Book Day is fast approaching and our Captains and Vice-Captains launched this at assembly on Friday 27th February.
This year's theme is 'Share a Million Stories' and we plan to share as many as possible at High Mill.
Sharing a story is being read to or reading with an adult, sibling, friend or even a pet for a minimum of 10 minutes. This could take place throughout the day - at breakfast time, on the bus, in the bath or at bedtime.
Share a Story will continue until Friday 27th March. Children will share stories at school and will be encouraged to do so at home too. Please write in your child's diary if they have had a story or had one told, as this can also be added to their personal chart in school.
Everyone will record their stories on their personal charts and House Captains will add these results to our school totaliser.
Which house will share the most stories? How many stories will High Mill share? Find out at the end of March!
Happy reading!