Over the last 2 weeks of term, all classes will be experiencing the RSHP lessons. As the content varies dependent on year group, this will generally done in primary stages e.g. all P.4s together and not in class groups. Older year groups e.g P.2s in the P.2/1 composite may also hear the younger year group content but this will not happen the other way i.e P.1 will undertake another activity outwith the classroom while P.2 content is taught.
A few weeks ago, we issued a letter, leaflet and website link to the National resources. If having accessed these, there are areas you prefer that your child does not learn at this time, please contact the school office as soon as possible.
It is important that parents opting to remove their child are aware that the other children may talk about what they have learned, this is OK. Those parents should speak to their children in advance about removing themselves from such conversations. Staff are unable to 'police' this.
These lessons are an important part of ensuring children have accurate information, helping them understand healthy relationships, personal care, ways in which bodies are different and also contributes to their ability to keep themselves safe.
Thanks in advance for your support and co-operation.