How do I become a PC committee member?
- The PC constitution should say how you become a committee member. This usually happens at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). You can send in your nomination before the AGM or by being proposed/seconded and with a show of hands at the meeting.
- More than one parent from a family can be on the PC as long as this is stated openly to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
- If you would find it difficult to attend meetings in person, online meetings can also be held (hybrid approach). Meetings are arranged for a day, time and frequency that suits the PC members.
What are the main responsibilities of a PC member?
- The PC constitutions set out the aims of the group and everyone should always keep these in mind when acting on behalf of the group.
- Get to know the other members, including office bearers, and how the group operates.
- Become familiar with the group’s finances.
- Raise issues on behalf of parents by asking the Chair to put it on the agenda (without naming individuals and keeping the issue general).
- Let parents know about the work of the PC, and how they can be contacted.
PC Meetings
- Attend meetings as often as you can and try to arrive on time
- If you cannot attend a meeting in person, send your apologies to either the Chair or Secretary/PC Clerk. Ask if the meeting can be also held online if that enables you and others to attend. Let them know if you would like to comment on any of the items on the agenda
- Read any papers or communication sent out before a meeting.
- Keep to the agenda during the meeting and try not to interrupt.
- Take an active part in discussions.
- Don’t be afraid to ask what something means; there is a lot of jargon used in schools and you are probably not the only one who doesn’t understand!
- Treat others as you would like to be treated and let the Chair know if you would like to speak
- There should be a Treasurer’s report at every meeting giving details of income and expenditure. As the money held by the PC is everyone’s responsibility, if necessary. Bank statements received since the last meeting should be available at every meeting.
- Make sure your voice is heard; if you don’t take an active part in the meeting, then you can’t really criticise decisions.
- If a vote is taken, the PC must go with the majority decision.
- PC meetings should be open to all members of the Parent Forum. If a guest/other parent has an issue they wish to raise, it is a good idea to let the Chair know about this in advance so it can be added to the agenda.