We are looking forward to welcoming our youngest children back into the school building today. I'm going some way to reassuring parents, all of our COVID-19 mitigation's and organisation which was in place August-December remain in place. This includes adult supervision in the playground from 8:30am. While we prefer Hub children continuing tinier the front door, where dropping your child at 8:30am would be a support for you as a Key Worker, please talk to a member of staff about this to let them know.
Our staggered finish also remains in place at the end of the day. Where a child in the Hub has a younger sibling in P1-3, the Hub child will be released at the time of their siblings at the gate.
We ask our parents to continue to follow all signage outside and to wear a mask (unless exempt). 2m Social distancing remains in place for all adults.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kirstine McDonald
(Head Teacher)